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RAIDS Online

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Keep connected with law enforcement in the USA

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RAIDS Online is an innovative public crime map that serves as a pivotal tool for enhancing community safety by facilitating better understanding and awareness of local crime trends. The main purpose of the app is to foster a collaborative environment between law enforcement and the community, aiming to curtail crime rates and amplify public safety protocols.

Harnessing the power of advanced GIS technologies, RAIDS Online provides the means to effortlessly search and monitor crime incidents in any vicinity or desired location. Users are granted access to detailed information about each crime, such as the type of offense, its exact timing, and geographic specifics, lending precise insights into the security landscape.

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The interactive crime maps presented are not only informative but are dynamically updated, ensuring that recent crime activities are readily available. One of the standout features includes setting up alerts that conveniently keep the public abreast of the latest occurrences via email, be it on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Furthermore, the ability to filter and search for incidents makes it exceptionally user-friendly, allowing people to dissect crime data by category and date according to their needs. Additionally, the platform champions the "See something, say something" initiative by enabling the option to submit anonymous tips, thereby contributing to the community's welfare.

Should an area lack the integration of this tool, RAIDS Online encourages proactive engagement with local law enforcement to initiate sharing of crime information via the platform at no additional cost to the city. This accessibility reinforces the commitment to fostering an informed and vigilant community.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Information about RAIDS Online 1.2

Package Name com.bairanalytics.android.raidsonlinemobile
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
44 more
Downloads 1,088
Date Apr 25, 2015
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 1.2 Android + 2.3.3, 2.3.4 Feb 4, 2024

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